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The observatory is centrally located in Hesse and therefore centrally located in Germany. Although larger cities are within easy reach, the region can still score points with its clear and dark skies. The "light pollution" is not too high due to the relatively low population density. The observatory is also relatively high at 450m and is protected from strong winds as the terrain is located in a slight depression. A seminar building allows for lectures and exhibitions and can be used by astro-campers upon registration. The hemispherical roof of the observatory can be seen from afar. It also houses a 24-inch Dobsonian telescope - the largest telescope in the starry world that can be used for visual observations. If the observatory is occupied, you can reach it on: 06645 5489545

Sternwarte, Walter Gröning

Schulstraße 2, 36325 Feldatal


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