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A very important monument is the ruin of the Cistercian monastery Arnsburg. The actual monastery buildings form the center of the complex. The extensive construction of the Arnsburg church was probably started in 1197. In 1959-1960, a unique cemetery for war victims was designed in the cloister of the monastery, inviting to contemplation. The actual founder of the Cistercian Order Bernard of Clairvaux, carved in stone with a book and crozier in his hand, greets visitors from the Baroque gate building (1774-1777). Mary blesses those going out with a crescent moon and a snake. Monastery walls from 3 to 5 meters high, on the hillside even up to 8.50 meters, join the gate and on the left side bind the syndicate garden. On the right side, farm buildings border the view. The old monastery mill, a half-timbered building from the second half of the 17th century, as well as the old brewery immediately adjoining it are used for gastronomic purposes today. The actual monastery buildings form the center of the complex. The extensive construction of the Arnsburg church was probably begun in 1197. It can be assumed from a papal document that the church was consecrated around 1246. It shows transitions from Romanesque to Gothic in its arches. A chapel ring once surrounded the apse. From the southern transept a large flight of steps leads to the dormitory of the monks, from here one can reach the sacristy. Above its entrance was a gallery where sick monks could take part in the divine service. The Arnsburg "Paradise", once a vestibule to the church, was first mentioned in 1493. In times of need, especially after the Thirty Years‘ War, it served as a church. Even today, it is used for worship purposes, where couples in particular say their "yes" to each other. In 1959-1960 a unique cemetery for war victims was created in the cloister of the monastery, inviting to contemplation. 447 dead people of many nationalities have found their final resting place here under a dense cover of thyme.


public access

Parking possibilities

Kategorie Festpreis
Eintritt für bestimmte Bereiche
Preis pro Person, Normalpreis
2,00 €

Kontakt Freundeskreis Kloster Arnsburg e. V.

Unterstadt 1, 35423 Lich


Distanz zu öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln


Parkplatz an Kloster Arnsburg

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