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Marienstiftskirche Lich

Kirchgasse 12, 35423 Lich

The Marienstiftskirche (St. Mary‘s Collegiate Church), built around 1316/1317, with numerous grave monuments of Lich‘s rulers and the Arnsburg pulpit carved around 1775, is one of the sights in Lich. From time to time concerts and musical services are held in the Marienstiftskirche. It owes its origin to the foundation of a collegiate monastery in 1316/17 by Philipp III of Falkenstein and to Lich becoming a town on 10.3.1300. In 1320 it was consecrated in honor of the Mother of God Mary, St. Martin and St. Elizabeth. In 1510, Count Philipp began to rebuild the church into a late Gothic hall church, modeled on the Heiliggeistkirche in Heidelberg and the Stadtkirche in Wittenberg. The Gothic cross-ribbed vaulting was only partially completed by the time the rebuilding was finished in 1594. It contains important works of art. Among the numerous funerary monuments of the rulers of Lich, the one of Kunos von Falkenstein and Annas von Nassau, created around 1333, is particularly noteworthy. The high baroque Arnsburg pulpit, carved around 1775, with the church fathers Bernard of Clairvaux, Thomas Aquinas, Leo the Great and Bonaventura, has adorned the nave for more than 100 years. The crucifixus, made around 1500, belongs to the Renaissance. On the south wall of the nave there is a memorial to the fallen of the world wars, and on the south wall of the choir there has been a memorial stone since 1988 commemorating the Jewish pogrom of 1938.

Gemeindebüro Ev. Marienstiftsgemeinde Lich

Kirchgasse 12, 35423 Lich

+4964 04 / 62 84 9

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Kultur Restaurant Savanne

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Landhaus Klosterwald

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Am Grassee 10, 35410 Hungen

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Weitere Tipps in der Nähe

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Waldschwimmbad Lich

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